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Looking for dive buddy for devils den trip in williston, FL (Im newly certified)
Xena - 10/05/2015 9:52 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 9

Hello, I recently got certified and only have about 4 dives in and I’m seeking a dive buddy for a dive trip down to devils den for at least 2 dives. We can both determine a date that’s comfortable for the both of us.. or if many others would like to join that’ll be perfect too!
I’m also wondering about different dive sites here in central florida so if anyone could recommend anything please leave a reply below (:
sandman2053 - 10/06/2015 9:08 AM
Hey I’m planning a dive at Paradise springs in Ocala for Sunday the 18th, so far think we have 4 going from a beginner, just 2 dives to over 100 dives. Right now it’s 4 guys but hopefully have a couple joining.
Xena - 10/07/2015 6:18 PM
so you’ll be there on the 18th? Ill keep in touch with you (:
xracr96 - 10/07/2015 7:52 PM
We have a thread going. Post and subscribe so you get the alerts.

Paradise Springs 10/18
sandman2053 - 10/08/2015 7:44 AM
Xena my buddy Lisa is going also.
Xena - 10/08/2015 4:34 PM
What is the cost? And is it okay with those only with open water cert?
xracr96 - 10/08/2015 4:52 PM
$30 entry plus $8 a tank. OW is OK down to the 60ft mark. There is a guide rope going down to help get situated if you need it.
sandman2053 - 10/09/2015 2:10 AM
If we get enough people, which they didn’t give me an exact number, the leader gets in free... So if I get in free ill divide up my $30 and give everyone back $2-$4....
Bmax - 10/20/2015 5:48 AM
Hi Xena, Just posting an after thought. We had a great time Paradise Springs. Too bad you did not make it. There was a wealth of dive knowledge there, which a new diver could have benefitted from. Good dives, good food and, great dive stories were had by all! Hope you have a great dive future! Brian