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Devils Den Williston Florida Sunday August 30th
sandman2053 - 8/24/2015 9:25 AM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 5

Me and a couple buddies are going to Devils Den on Sunday, so if you are in need of a Dive buddy and want to meet up LMK, plan is to arrive at 8am
xracr96 - 8/24/2015 5:27 PM
Hey Andy. I saw your text message. I would love to join you guys, but I am already diving that day. We are heading offshore for some lobstering. :)
Curtis - 8/26/2015 10:15 PM
Tad too far for me to get back to work on a Sunday.
sandman2053 - 8/27/2015 2:40 AM
Yah to bad Curtis, we have to go again sometime, waiting to hear from HR if i have any time left...
Curtis - 8/27/2015 10:21 AM
Yeah, you would have liked my past "weekend", Tue we did a 3 tank with Panama City Diving, all with 100 ft hard bottom, then Wed did a FW gear rinse (2 dive) @ Morrison Springs.