Play with your food!!!
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Category: Animals
Tags: Cali, Cute sealio, fun, play time, Sea lion eating kelp
Comments: 9
Play with your food!!!


UWP - 6/20/2014 8:39 AM
Oh Ok :)
UWP - 6/20/2014 8:11 AM
Oh Ok :), I too have a semidry one, 6.5 mm I think Scubapro one, don’t know if its high end or not but it definitely keeps Me warm for sure :)
Legasea - 6/20/2014 8:27 AM
I have Henderson Thermoprene 8/7, keeps me very comfy :)
UWP - 6/20/2014 12:09 AM
Oh Ok :), So You were wearing a dry suit ?
Legasea - 6/20/2014 7:53 AM
no, i have a high end semidry, which keeps me comfortable at that temps. I have a dry suit, but it’s very difficult to do photography with it, i tried
UWP - 6/18/2014 10:37 PM
Where was this taken ?
Legasea - 6/18/2014 11:18 PM
Channel Islands (Santa Crus) California. It’s in Pacific Ocean, and the water is rather cold 12-14 degrees C
UWP - 6/17/2014 6:09 AM
Lovely Photo :)!!!
Legasea - 6/17/2014 8:04 AM
Thank you :)