Bmax - 10/30/2020 6:29 AM
[Choose #5] Usually the dive buddy, out of air, has to pee, or is cold., Or just not around!
[Choose #2] I’m an air hog so....
[Choose #5] I pee in my wetsuit, I adjust to the cold, I’m pretty good at limiting my air consumption, and on an AL80 I never have to worry about BT. Its usually boredom or buddy
[Choose #2] real divers pee in their wet suit
[Choose #3] #3 I’ll stay as long as environment allows.
[Choose #2] Since I’m diving a single AL80 its very unlikely I’ll ever have to worry about bottom time.
[Choose #3] Thanks. This is a fun and interesting survey.
[Choose #5] For me it is that I smoked for 37 years and I haven’t gotten my lung capacity built up enough. I HATE IT having to ascend before everyone else. Another factor is I go down and explore up close not just skim over. I love seeing everything!
daz88 - 1/24/2015 6:30 AM
[Choose #3] usually it’s bottom time, sometimes it’s having to pee, sometimes it’s dead batteries in my camera :(
[Choose #5] Usually boredom, after about 2 hours I run out of stuff to see and do, so I end the dive.
[Choose #2] It’s always air. Iam the first one up. :(,
[Choose #5] Usually my buddy (or group) is the limiting factor. They almost always thumb the dive for some reason before me.
[Choose #5] Definetly not #4 as I have a signal for that. http://www.divebuddy.com/members/photos/pic_13365_63864.jpg
[Choose #5] Money and a non-diving wife :(