Blog Update - 3/25/09 - Questions to the President President Obama has recently said to the public that he will be taking questions about or economy and I decided to post one. If you care about the question please take the time to go to the website to vote for the question. The higher the question gets in the standings the more likely he is to read it, so please help me out!!
"GreenJobs/Energy is a start. What are you prepared to do to get other countries and ours to stop Runoff/Pollution, Ocean Dumping, Industrial Waste, Shark Finning? These topics will eventually lead us to a very deadly future if not addressed."
jjamison, Los Angeles, CA -
Green Jobs and Energy
go to search, type in "oceans" and the question is the fourth down.
There are already people asking important questions about the ocean. Vote for them too please!!
Thanks for your support, I really apprecaite it!