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sammys update
Hobie - 7/10/2009 10:32 AM
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sammys updateSammy just had his second chemo treament on the ninth of July. everything went well, then that night h started to get a fever so we had to go to the E.R.. After six hours they decided not to admit him. The E.R. nurse who tried to acess his port was not properly trained on the new style of acess lines she was using. She did not know she she had to take off the plastic piece to remove the wire to unblock the needle hole to push or pull any blood or medicine. So she pulls the acess line. I would not let her touch him after that. I made them get a cancer nurse from upstairs, and they had to restick him. She could not believe that she made that mistake. Come to find out the first nurse had just seen the new acess line for the first time the night before, and Sammy was the first patient she had tried to use it on. I was not happy to say the least. On a better note Sammy is doing fine. His hair is starting to fall out, but is strong, happy, and is a happy little boy .