Company Convention Day #2....Reef dive in Coco Cay. Glorious weather, albeit it still a bit windy. (But mind you it was snowing back home in Baltimore and I was working on a sunburn) This dive was supposed to start with a 150 yard swim from the shore---and end with the same swim. However, mother nature had another idea and wasn`t finished winding down the wind that had rocked the cruise ship all night long creating a mad rush on dramamine. It was so rough, the dive leaders towed us out to the reef before the dive and brought us back in to shore the same way. That was pretty fun, laying on one of those litters and hanging on bouncing on the waves in dive gear out to the reef. Sweet! `Yo! Taxi!` lol. But after the intensity of the shark dive, the ray, squirrel fish, conch, lobster, snappers and other small fishes ---although beautiful in their own right--- weren`t as exciting. I was however keeping a watchful eye out for lionfish. I had been hearing everywhere how there was a sudden population boom in the Bahamas and everyone was pointing their finger at the Atlantis Hotel and rumor has it that the lionfish problem is due to them flushing out their aquariums into the ocean---which carried lionfish eggs out to populate the Bahamas. With no natural predator, they are mass producing at an alarming rate. But my search came up empty at all dive sites.