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Dive Log > Green_Achers > Tulloch Lake South Shore
Fri, April 5, 2013
Dives: 2
Bottom Time: 43 minutes
Max Depth: 51-60ft/16-18m
Avg Viz: 21-25ft/6-8m
Water Temp: 50-55°F/10-13°C
Weight: 20
Exposure Suit: Farmer John - 7 (Hood, Gloves, Boots)
Tank Type: Steel - 80cf/11L
Gas Type: Air
Dive Buddy:   Shaun
Tulloch Lake South Shore
Jamestown, CA
Water Type: Fresh
Entry Type: Shore
My bride and I came out here today to spend time getting her weights set, practice buoyancy and enjoy her first non-training dive. What a great day. The top 20 feet is 60 F as the level is rising (just at the swimming ropes).

I learned the crappy fisherman’s bathrooms in the parking lot (which were not fit for humans today) are in contrast to the wonderfully clean bathrooms on the North end of the same parking lot. These nicer bathrooms additionally have HOT SHOWERS that are also nice and clean. I believe there is a seasonal store just beyond as I bet they keep this one cleaner all the time so it’s well worth the extra walk.

As far as the dives, there are plenty of bass, large clams and crawdads to entertain. Made me want to have a B-B-Que Feed! I was able to relocate an engine block that we found during my OW Training. To the South is a deeper hole and various junk items to discover.