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Blenheim Bomber - Malta
Blenheim Bomber
Dive Site Location Marsascala, Malta
Max Depth: 131-140ft/40-43m
Average Viz: 21-25ft/6-8m
Entry Type: Boat
Bottom Composition: Sand
Prop - dirtguy49
Blenheim Bomber is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Marsascala, Malta. The maximum depth is 131-140ft/40-43m. The average visibility is 21-25ft/6-8m.

Ditched 12/13/1941 The prop from the port engine was shot off by the attacking Italian Macchi C200 fighter.

This is a fabulous dive. The aircraft quickly begins to take shape as you descend. The wings and engines are virtually intact although the port side propellers are missing. The cockpit cover has also disappeared and this might suggest the crew safely evacuated prior to ditching. The pilot’s seat and control column are quite intact and altogether these aspects form the main section. The fuselage is detached and lies upside down a few metres to the front - mostly buried. In fact, it night not be recognised at all were it not for the single, non-retractable stern wheel which now sits upright and proud of the seabed - still occupying the extreme rear end of the aircraft. Altogether this allows divers to independently explore and inspect the entire area of the wreckage without getting out of sight of their buddies. The main wheels - retracted during flight, are still to be found on the underside of both wings still in that retracted position. The engine covers have long gone thus enabling the diver to inspect the main parts that made up this type of 920 hp Bristol Mercury engine. The control lever is directly in front of the pilots seat and there is always a temptation for the diver to sit in the seat for a brief moment of fantasy. In this case, however, the seat is very small and any such temptation should be avoided at all costs because all the diver will achieve is to break the seat from its rather delicate mounting.

This is a deep dive at 42 meters so special care and training must be taken into consideration.

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