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Free dive site map downloads from Mares
LatitudeAdjustment - 5/03/2013 6:16 AM
Category: General
Replies: 4

Here is a link you’ll want to add to your favorites

Maps and dive site drawings from all over the world :)

zielit - 5/03/2013 7:18 AM
To bad they’re really low quality (small resolution) :(
Greg - 5/03/2013 9:10 AM
From zielit: To bad they’re really low quality (small resolution) :(

To find larger resolutions of the images (if any exist online), try Google Image Search:

And if anyone is really bored, they can try to find the larger images of and upload them to the dive sites on DiveBuddy :)
Rich-D-Fish - 5/03/2013 10:23 AM
There were three for my area. And I’ve seen them sold in dive shops for $15 each!