Hey Bill. What you need is Mucinex (Guafenisen). It’s an expectorant and will thin the mucus, making equalization much easier. Publix has a generic version that’s about 60% of the cost of the brand-name stuff. Skip teh decongestants and just go with the guaifenisen.
Get the one in the BLUE BOX. It’s pure guafenisin, with no acetominophen or other additives. This is a basic tool for freedivers. We descend at about a meter per second and equalize every second or so and have to be able to get quick, clean, clear equalizations to get decent depth and/or bottom time.
Take 600mg every 12 hours starting 24 hours before you’ll be in the water. Sometimes I start 48 hours before.
Can’t tell if your trip is this weekend or was last weekend. Either way, GoodDive to you!
-Jason Parker