Dive Against Debris Event on June 21, 2014 - Spanish Rocks Reef
TBGC - 5/13/2014 1:43 PM
Category: Event
Replies: 1

Our next “Dive Against Debris” Dive Cleanup is scheduled for Saturday, June 21, 2014 at Spanish Rocks Reef, Holmes Beach, Bradenton. We need volunteer divers, kayaks/canoes, safety observers, and data collectors.

EVENT DATE/TIME: Saturday, June 21, 2014 from 0800-1200. The Safety Brief will be at 8:30am.
SIGN UP: tampabaygreenconsortium.org/?p=1053. For event, put Spanish Rocks Reef. Identify the position you are volunteering for. If you are volunteering as a diver, you will be sent the required liability form.

If you are volunteering for a group, contact us at volunteer@tampabaygreenconsortium.org. Please provide all names, positions volunteering for, and contact info of each volunteer in your group.

Scott Lucci (World of Water, Incorporated and Al Jeffrey (Scuba Quest) have graciously offered to provide tanks (or air) for those who need it (based on availability). World of Water will also provide dive gear as needed. Please ensure you bring in your dive cards when picking up your tanks/gear.
If other dive shops participate in this event, we will provide notification.

Again, thank you for all of your continued support.

TBGC - 6/04/2014 4:24 AM
There are still time to sign up for this event. Help support the sea turtle nesting season, as this is a nesting beach waters that we want to clean up.