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Coral Sea, Osprey Reef Worth it?
Doug_Fitz - 5/13/2015 3:00 AM
Category: Travel
Replies: 2

Hello everyone,

I am a student attending the James Cook University in Townsville, Australia. I have gone on several liveaboards, two in Townsville and one in Cairns, and would was wondering about going on another for the Coral Sea, Osprey reef, and Cod Hole. However after my last liveaboard I would like to get the insight of others first before making the reservation. Are these dives an absolute must and cannot be missed or are they similar to other dives on the Great Barrier Reef? Any input is greatly appreciated and thank you in advance!!!
WILLO - 6/09/2015 10:52 PM
As far as the GBR. The trip out too Osprey Reef is worth every minute, every dive. Go for it!!!
Baos235 - 9/27/2015 3:07 AM
Went to the GBR earlier this month. Went to the Coral Sea (Cod Hole) with Mike Ball Expedition. A fantastic trip! Go for it.