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White Star Quarry - Gibsonburg, Ohio
slickdiver - 7/05/2016 8:37 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 2

I’m looking for a buddy (or buddies) to dive White Star quarry throughout July. I’m available most weekends and some weekdays. If anyone is available please respond. Thanks!
Mike_in_MI - 7/08/2016 10:05 PM
Hi Slickdiver,
If you’re up to it, I’d like to get to WS quarry next weekend (7/16-17) if you’re available. Let me know.

bendemko7 - 6/22/2017 7:53 PM
If you’re open to taking a newbie along I might be interested in joining you. I’m recently certified and would like to get as many dives as possible under my belt this summer. -Ben