GlimmermanCai - 5/04/2010 6:24 AM
Hello Docj84,

I’ve been looking all over for some "authorized" confirmation that ProPlug works .. I even sent the question to PADI and received a "consult your ENT" reply ..

I have no problems my self .. but I need those plugs for my best friend (who also happen to be my wife) .. she has a perforated ear drum and they say this is about the only available solution for some one with this condition to dive .. of course I will not let her into the water before I’m fairly sure it’ll work.

The plugs has a whole in them but it doesn’t go all the way through .. at the end there is a valve that let air out but no water in so you can equalize on descent and this valve is the key to the claim that a person with a perforated (punctured) ear drum can use them to dive safely without water jetting into his/her middle ear.

I’ll keep researching .. pass me any material you have on the subject ..

Thanks .. Ahmad