TColJeep - 8/26/2014 7:31 PM
My buddy and I recently began using the Ocean Reef Neptune Space. It takes a little getting used to but works fine. We have the communications unit as we do a lot of solo diving and the ability to communicate with the boat is a nice bonus. The mask has a positive air flow and completely eliminates any fogging, no matter what the water /air temps are. After making the needed adjustments, you simply press the regulator portion lightly against your face to equalize. A few things you need to consider. In a case of regulator failure, out of air situation or switching over to a Deco gas you will need to remove the face mask, switch over to your octopus and don a spare mask. You definitely want to practice this in a pool as it may save your life. Also the mask fits smaller heads better than a big melon. I haven’t used the OTS mask so I can’t offer any feedback for you. Either way, before you invest in either one, make the trip to BTS in March. Both manufacturer’s are there, you can try each on and ask any questions you want. Feel free to contact me with any additional questions. I’ll answer them the best I can.