[Choose #1] if your dumb enough to run out of air then hopefully you are smart enough to get to the surface
[Choose #5] when i get a new buddy or like once a month
[Choose #5] during every class we teach
[Choose #5] once or twice a season i’ll surp. my wife
[Choose #2] buddy ran out of air had to do it for real
AirOn - 12/05/2008 3:42 PM
[Choose #5] I also check their Reg/Octo/airsource before we dive each time.
[Choose #5] S-drill on all tek and cav dives, occasionally otherwise
[Choose #5] naaaa... when I get a new buddy, I usually tell him to bring his own air along... (LOL)
[Choose #5] I go with shop to train as often as possible