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Feb/March/May 2012 trip- Female only!
drkdawg - 12/27/2011 6:26 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 6


I am a 27-year-old woman looking for a female dive buddy to split costs for a week-long trip in February, March, or early May. I’m finishing up med school, so my dates are flexible, but my budget isn’t. I found some good deals on all-inclusives to Cozumel, but I wouldn’t mind considering somewhere else. None of my girlfriends dive, so I figured I’d try to make a new one! Let me know if you might be interested.

divelizard - 12/27/2011 10:36 PM
Hi Kathryn,

I’m a "little" (as in - a lot!) older than you but love to dive. My husband won’t and my girlfriends are wusses. So, I go by myself with groups from various dive shops all over the country. Anyway, my local dive shop (Bob’s) in Fresno, CA is planning a weekend wreck dive out of San Diego in Mar. if you’re interested. Congrats on finishing Med School! I’m a retiring NP. My replacement NP’s daughter is going to start Med. School in Granada next month.

I do want to go to Cozumel sometime but can’t this spring as I have a trip to Cuba planned in June. You will probably be interning or residencing then.

Let’s keep in touch.

LatitudeAdjustment - 12/28/2011 7:46 AM
Good morning Kathryn, since you are in the city you might want to check out the meet-up group, Ocean Blue . I used to go to their meetings when they were on Thursday nights but now they are on Tuesdays and I can’t get into the city in time and then still function at work on Wednesday after the long ride home. They do some local dives plus group trips including a quick one to Coz in February and you should be able to find buddies there.

If you are thinking about Coz you might want to check , which is a female owned dive op. When I dive Coz I prefer DB’s own Chucho Divers, a small op with great service.

Don’t forget to keep March 24-25th open for Beneath the Sea
drkdawg - 12/28/2011 10:15 AM
Thanks Lin! I was really hoping to do some reef dives vs wrecks, but thanks for the invite. Planning a (non-dive) trip with my girlfriend in early June (residencies start July 1st), but if that falls through I am definitely down to go to Cuba!

Latitude, thanks for the info regarding the Ocean Blue! I just joined and sent them an email about meetings/the Cozumel trip. I had no clue they were in NYC, good to know. I’ll definitely look into Beneath the Sea, too, thanks.

Dutch - 12/28/2011 4:23 PM
Hi KP, My wife and I will be in Sharm el Sheikh in June diving the Red Sea. The trip is via Amsterdam, charter flight directly into Sharm. I cant’t get people interested and this is one of the greatest places to dive. i do have a few ladies that have been on previous trips that went as singles and had a blast. You should be able to do two weeks with 10 days of diving for around $1400 with flights from US to AMS and then joining us when we go. I say you should do nothing shorter than two weeks when traveling that far. Just me. The price difference with one or two weeks will only be a few hundred.
joyfuldiverinme - 1/04/2012 8:10 PM
Hi Kathryn-

I am hoping to go to Utila in mid march but may be able to swing somewhere else. I have been to Cozumel three times and prefer somewhere else. If you are interested let me know! I am in the same boat as you no one who wants to dive. Looking for a buddy.

jjen - 2/15/2012 7:28 PM
Hi Kathryn,

I am about the same age as you are. I was thinking of doing a dive trip sometime in mid-may as well. I got certified in Cozumel about 2.5 yrs ago, but have done a few dive trips since then. I’ve been wanting to dive little cayman, grand cayman or belize. If you’re still looking to go on a dive trip let me know!

p.s. from reading the posts I guess you live in NYC, I just moved from ny to houston about 7 months ago. i love nyc!
