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Navy warship damages 43,000 sq ft of reef in the Philippines
Greg - 3/20/2013 5:14 AM
Category: General
Replies: 8

On Jan 17, 2013, a U.S. Navy warship got stuck on a reef in the Philippines. It is estimated that over 43,000 sq ft of reef was damaged.

"The Navy has pledged to clean up the debris created when waves stripped off pieces of fiberglass covering the wooden hull of the ship and to try to restore the reef as much as possible."

How will the U.S. Navy restore the reef? Do they have a team of conservation divers that will sink structures for the reef to grow on? Will they transplant coral and other plant life to the affected area? I’m just curious if they will take an active role in restoring the reef or will they just give money to another organization to fix it?
Greg - 3/20/2013 5:17 AM
Also, what do you think the estimated cost would be to restore 43,000 sq ft of reef?
Nitediver - 3/20/2013 5:46 AM
I’m not sure, but with the sequester in place where will this money come from, do the even have the funds to clean up this mess? Just a thought.
Cherie - 3/21/2013 4:36 AM
It’s Tubbataha Reef, a protected marine sanctuary...a diver’s dream.

It was nominated as one of the wonders of the world.
uwlover4u - 3/21/2013 8:20 AM
The cost is about 50 years.
Greg - 3/27/2013 6:51 AM
Here is an update:

Philippine officials said that the country would seek compensation for reef damage. Harry K. Thomas Jr., the U.S. ambassador to the Philippines, has assured Filipinos that the United States "will provide appropriate compensation for damage to the reef caused by the ship."

I hope they disclose what the "appropriate compensation" is. This figure would be beneficial for artificial reef makers and would give ocean conservationists some figures to work with. How much is our ocean worth to the U.S. Navy?
Greg - 4/04/2013 7:19 PM
Another update. The Navy could face a fine of up to $2 million for the damage done to the reef in the Philippines. If my math is correct, that equates to $46.5 per square foot of reef. I’m not an marine biologist, fisherman, or tourism expert, but I would expect a flourishing reef to be worth more than that. I wonder if the Navy will pay more than the fine to help rebuild the reef. I am willing to bet they are spending 10 times that amount just to remove the ship from the reef.