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Does your dive shop offer free events and coffee?
Greg - 7/07/2014 5:58 AM
Category: General
Replies: 7

Does your local dive shop hold free events that bring in divers to learn something new? Like a weekly or monthly event, that is different each time... to review new gear, talk about safety or maintenance, listen to a scuba book author or hear about recent amazing dive trips.

Also, on a related note, does your dive shop offer free coffee or tea with a relaxing place to sit and hang out?

If your dive shop doesn’t do any of this, would you want them to?
Eric_R - 7/07/2014 6:28 AM
Yes, mostly during the off season to keep divers up to speed. My son and I attended several. There was a full face mask seminar, dry suit seminar and a Dive rescue team seminar. They were going to have Aqua Lung night but a winter storm caused that to get canceled. The shop provides all the beverages and pizza. They also have reunions from dive trips to look at photos and videos from the trip. Anybody can attend these. I’m very fortunate to have a shop that understands customer service and what it takes to keep divers diving.
Eric_R - 7/07/2014 10:57 AM
Here’s my favorite local shop.
Sub-Aquatic Sports & Service
The owners Rick and Kim are truly awesome people. They always have great instructors that are as passionate about diving as they are.
gemiller - 7/07/2014 3:13 PM
My LDS does events like that, can’t say i’ve ever been to one. Although I’ve been meaning to go to their big "yardsale/gear swap" weekend for a few years now. Has nothing to do with not wanting to go it has to do with it being an hour away.
txscubasteve - 7/08/2014 8:54 AM
My LDS does have monthly gatherings at local resturants. They also offer coffee, bottled water and some sodas.

The dive shop has the mentality of having fun. If the student/diver is having fun, then they generally like to come back and hang out. I am recent addition to the family as an instructor and I see the way the customers/divers are around them.

I do like the idea of a yardsale/ gear swap that gemiller had stated. That sounds like a great way for people to swap out gear and maybe even buy new gear.

My LDS is