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mask fogup
nutralbouy - 6/02/2008 3:26 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 5

My mask keeps fogging up and I have tried from the toothpaste thing too spitting in the mask and sea drops, nothing works...HELP
Scout - 6/02/2008 5:06 PM
Here’s what I do:
  • First, Johnson’s Baby shampoo - just a drop on the tip of my glove is enough for the entire mask. If you don’t have your own baby, you shouldn’t have any trouble finding one.
  • Second: I dunk my face in the water to cool it off.
  • Third, I try not to exhale through my nose.

The fog is caused by temperature differential. Reduce the differential and the conditions related to it - and you’ll reduce the mask fog.

Dive Safe - Dive Often
rescue15 - 6/02/2008 6:17 PM
Try "Cat Crap" It comes in a small container like what the silicone lube comes in. I use it on my goggles skiing, on my scba for firefighting and on my glasses. It never fogs up.

chuckc - 6/02/2008 7:21 PM
I don’t think I would recommend my cat’s crap. Of course it might help remind you not to try to breathe through your nose. ;)
I take a small bottle and fill about 1/2 full of baby shampoo then add less than half that much glycerine. Use a couple drops of this solution and smear around the mask then rinse lightly. That seems to help a bunch for me.
If all else fails under water, or if I forget my lens juice and it fogs a bit, I let just a tiny bit of water into my mask and roll it around a bit to let it rinse off the fog. That very small amount of water doesn’t normally have to be removed, but my mask has a nose valve so if I have to get that out it is no problem.
roguediver - 6/06/2008 8:18 AM
Have you tried "500 psi brand" mask defog. Try it, it won’t fail you. I always exhale on my mask and I never fog up.