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#51893 is looking for writers and photographers.
Greg - 1/03/2007 6:47 PM
Category: General
Replies: 1

If you are a writer or underwater photographer, please contact me for possible opportunities at I may begin compensating individuals for their contributions to

Dive Blogs - looking for instructors or photographers to write educational/training related blogs.

Buddy Board - looking for anyone with scuba experience to contribute to the topics in our forum.

Photos - looking for photographers to post amazing underwater photos they have taken and to write blogs that teach others how to take such wonderful photos.

Please contact me or reply to this thread with questions.
rsigmund - 7/20/2007 11:40 AM
Saw this post. very interesting idea. I would be very happy to join in this if you are still interested in adding people to the list. I am an AI / Master Diver in MO and could probalbly talk to point relating to fresh / cold water and drysuit divng. Also have some experiecnce in underwater photography. I would not be interested in any compensation, I am just wanting to keep the sport going for new people. You can see some of my shots at Hope to hear from you, Rich