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Avatar doesn’t show and can’t post replies.
Diver_Diva - 5/25/2016 6:33 PM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 6

Can someone help me? I uploaded a profile pic, but it doesn’t show on my posts. Also, I can’t post replies to my introduction post.

LatitudeAdjustment - 5/25/2016 8:26 PM
We see it, have you rebooted since you signed up? As for the replies, to stop Spam you need to be approved by Greg first and maybe he’s off diving today or being he’s in Texas maybe in a storm shelter :(
Eric_R - 5/25/2016 10:21 PM
Member permissions get manually applied by Greg after your initial signup. Greg usually gets caught up with these within a day.
Greg - 5/26/2016 9:02 AM
If pics don’t show up, try refreshing your browser. I’ll review and approve new memberships now.

Thanks for joining!
Diver_Diva - 5/26/2016 10:47 AM
ok, I can post replies. But still no avatar.
Diver_Diva - 5/26/2016 7:40 PM
Wow - you must be a computer genius! Thank you so much!