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Best compass for under 100 bucks?
evilcorvette - 8/29/2018 10:44 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 4

Need advice on a good wrist mount compass for under 100 bucks. I bought a ’budget’ Cressi and Im very unimpressed. Its VERY slow to respond, has to be held PERFECTLY horizontal and seems very inconsistent with its readings. I dont trust it. Can anyone recommend a wrist model that comes in under 100 dollars?
LatitudeAdjustment - 8/30/2018 7:41 AM
I can’t tell from your profile if you do photography. I have a Suunto which is a great compass on a retractor but I wish it was on top of my camera since that’s always in front of me.

My old Oceanic on my console was good but as it’s aged it’s become sticky :(
Eric_R - 8/31/2018 5:30 PM
I’m with Lat and the Suunto seems to work fine.
evilcorvette - 8/31/2018 11:43 PM
Im finding that most dive accessories on the ’entry/budget’ side of the house are all made by the same place. The Cressi is the same as 5 or 6 other ’brand’ names, they are all the same chinese made model. (Nothing against the imported stuff, but prices vary from 29.99 to 69.99 for the EXACT product)

Ive seen the Suunto model, it seems to be the next best quality option. I want a bungee mount as the watch band models seem hard to adjust. (My i300c computer, wrist mounted with a band, is constantly shifting on me.)
MDW - 11/01/2018 10:05 AM
I like the Suunto. I also have an Oceanic that’s not too bad as a second choice. For either I recommend a bungee mount boot for your arm. This makes it easy to slide on and off your arm so you can hold it in your hand while using to ensure it is really straight in front of you, and you never need to fiddle with buckles and plastic straps.