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Lost AEE action cam - Cozumel
GRod-Diver - 5/09/2019 7:15 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 3


I know this is a long shot.... but,

If you or anyone you know is in Cozumel now or will be here in the next few days....

Keep an eye out for an AEE action cam that fell over the sand flats near Santa Rosa wall today.

Not worried about the camera, It was out of the case, so the camera is toast, but I sure would like to see if the videos can be salvaged from the SD Card!

Like a said, it’s a LONG shot, but you never know!
Eric_R - 5/11/2019 10:06 AM
Those sd cards are tough.
GRod-Diver - 5/13/2019 12:59 PM
I’m still hoping against hope!
GRod-Diver - 7/12/2019 1:31 PM
I’m still hoping for a miracle, that someone found my camera, pulled the videos off the SD card! Does anyone know of places that people post pix and videos that they pulled off found cameras?