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Oceanic Dive Computer
nmanus - 3/09/2024 10:20 PM
Category: Equipment
Replies: 1

Hello-Looking at the Oceanic proplus 4 dive compute and console? Does anyone have any experience with this or oceanic in general? Someone told me they lock you out easily.
GreggS - 3/14/2024 11:39 AM
I’m never used the ProPlus but I have been using an Oceanic OCi for 3 years and my wife dives the VT 4.0. These are not console computers but are AI wrist computers, which we prefer. Both are excellent computers and run the Oceanic dual algorithm. Neither of us have ever been locked out. The reason for that is that we do what the computers are telling us to do. We recently did a liveaboard cruise where we did up to 4 dives a day on air and while most of the dives were rather shallow (60 fsw or less), we did do some deep dives and we never came close to getting locked out. And we were diving the more conservative Z+ algorithm. Last year, we were at Anthony’s Key in Roatan for a week of diving, using 31% Nitrox in Z+ mode, and did 17 dives in 6 days with several dives to 100 fsw or more and didn’t have a problem. Again, we followed what the computers were telling us. The other, more liberal algorithm, is DSAT. The only thing the computer will not let you do is change the algorithm until at least 24 hours after the last dive.

As long as you follow what the computer is telling you, it will not lock you out, which is true for pretty much any dive computer. This is meant as a safety feature for your own protection.

If you want a computer that will not lock you out even if you violate deep stops, ceilings, and/or anything else it is telling you, I understand the Shearwater computers do not.

Hope this helps.