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Is it just me, or do you forget to type the CODE before sending a letter?
DiveGirl55 - 5/23/2007 9:41 AM
Category: General
Replies: 4

I am still getting used to Greg`s tricky little code thingy!
Greg - 5/23/2007 6:24 PM
I added the code thingy and I still forget every now and then. You can push Shift + Tab after typing something and your cursor will quickly go to that code field so you can type it in. I`d rather have this code box than get a bunch of spam email. :)
DiveRex - 5/25/2007 7:55 PM
I forget the code everytime I send a message!
PegLeg - 5/31/2007 4:09 PM
I keep forgeting too. Whasssup with the CODE thing any? Now you`re getting complicating Greg.
scubadmike - 6/16/2007 6:53 PM
HI my name is Mike,love diving , I am from PALMBAY FLORIDA I dive in Pompano , WEST PALM & JUPTER ..E-MAIL me scubadmike [ at ] or scubadmike [ at ] Hope to hear from you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!