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Profile Comments > SantaFeSandy
Deanna - 5/20/2017 6:56 PM
Would love to dive Devils Den in August....would you be able to dive with me? I’m free after August 1. I live in VA but, coming to Jacksonville to see family between semesters.

SantaFeSandy - 1/28/2015 5:35 PM
Check out this article I wrote called, "Protecting our Beautiful Springs," and the photos I shot, on the new Sportody Broadcast Blog.
tstormdiver - 1/29/2015 6:04 AM
Very nice! Heading down that way in a couple of weeks. "Cave country" has become my home away from home!
MJ_Kiss - 10/20/2014 5:59 AM
Hi Sandy. Thanks for accepting me as your buddy. You sound like a fellow lady of adventure. I look forward to meeting you. - Marian "MJ" Jacklich
GoDeeper - 10/31/2013 6:11 AM
Nice to meet you!

SantaFeSandy - 11/19/2013 7:18 PM
Hi Ty, so did you ever convey your thoughts to Kurt when you were at Blue Grotto? Did you have fun? I’ll be diving there tomorrow.
dheary - 10/28/2013 6:17 PM
That would be great-I will be in the area to shoot some horses in Ocala and dive the ’springs" for the first time. I called Grotto and Devil and one has to have a buddy...t/y for the quick response....SantaFeSandy
alaz - 9/11/2013 7:34 PM
Good attitude! I always carry the plan to train right, to leave with the same number of people that I started with, always have an escape route, and the cavern, ocean, or mountain isn’t going anywhere it will still be there later.

Not the easiest schedules to match, but possible. I’d like to keep in touch the calendar might mesh sometime.
SantaFeSandy - 9/16/2013 2:32 PM
Call or text me when you’re able to dive the springs in my area. 352.262.6993.
SantaFeSandy - 6/05/2013 6:19 PM
So today was my first day of Cavern training. The classroom portion went really well. Now I’m looking forward to our dives at Ginnie Springs, this coming Thursday.
N0MAD - 5/16/2013 4:09 AM
Incredible dives! Won’t get this opportunity in Hawaii. Thanks for hooking up with me, Sandy, and sharing lunch. Look me up if you’re ever out to visit.
SantaFeSandy - 5/16/2013 4:38 AM
Hi Dameon. I agree that both our Devi’s Den dives were magnificent. Too bad that time constraints recent us from diving both holes at Manatee Springs. Checkout Catfish Hotel. I put our pics up on my personal Facebook page, as the low lighting stopped my camera from focusing, & while the quality is horrible, the memories are intact.
SantaFeSandy - 5/16/2013 6:43 AM
oops, iPhone typo in the body of my reply message. Should have said, "Too bad that time constraints prevent us from diving both holes..." Anyway, as I was saying, while my camera was horrible about focusing in such low light (I’ll try messing with all the manual options before sending it back as defective), the two video shots turned out okay. Here is the one with you in it. I’ll post the link to the other one in a few minutes. I did upload these onto both my website, as well as Flickr, where I am SantaFeSandy there too.
WanderingTurtle - 4/29/2013 3:04 AM
Thank you for adding me. I’m a newbie in both diving and photography, and I’m always looking for ways to learn and fine tune my skills. Looking forward to diving with you in the future and to check out more of your photos. Maybe one day, when I get comfortable with the diving part I can shadow you on your photo swim excursions. Dive deep! - Turtle
SantaFeSandy - 4/29/2013 3:07 AM
Hi, what do you want to be called, Turtle? Only problem is that I live in FL, and it appears that you are in NJ. That would have to be a real high sun to have you shadow me at this point. :-)
SantaFeSandy - 4/29/2013 3:08 AM
By the way Turtle, have you been to my website to see my latest upload of photos from the various springs in my area? Some cool shots at Ginnie, Catfish Hotel, Devil’s Den, Manatee etc.
WanderingTurtle - 4/29/2013 3:25 AM
Lol! I get that a lot. Turtle is fine (long story behind it). I got friends and family all over Florida, and I can’t NOT dive in FL. I’ll be stalking your pictures, until I get "schooled."
SantaFeSandy - 4/29/2013 3:29 AM
I use to ride racehorses with colleague going by the name of Turtle too.
WanderingTurtle - 4/29/2013 3:49 AM
Cool! I ride for recreation. Then again, everything I do is for recreation.
TheScubaGym - 4/19/2013 8:39 AM
Looking forward to diving with you! We dive nonstop over now until November. Come along or let us know when you have a day off. With or without the shop, we love to dive! David and Kim with The Scuba Gym
SantaFeSandy - 4/29/2013 3:10 AM
Thanks David. Now where exactly are you located in relation to the Gainesville, or Ocala area? I just sent you a message about a group of us forming to dive Rainbow River this coming May 2, with Lloyd Baily.
shellmoundal - 1/15/2013 8:16 AM
Love to have you dive with us. You can check my profile out and give me a shout. Brian told me about you and you seem to fit our profile of diver. We are both Cavern Certified and will work our way to cave certification. Deborah is also one of our Buddies. She is a Master Diver and has dived all over the world. You will find her very interesting.

I am interested in underwater photography. I just purchased a Fisheye Lens for my SeaLife DC1400. I can’t wait for you to give me some pointers.
SantaFeSandy - 4/29/2013 3:17 AM
You know Al, I’m just now re-reading this message of yours to me, all these months later, and it never dawned on me that cavern and cave certifications were separate., I guess Cavern is on my list too, so did you go through Lloyd for that one? By the way, my Fisheye arrived last week, so I’ll take it with me on the Rainbow River dive.
Smithsgold - 1/14/2013 12:34 PM
Great Profile and Super Pictures !!!!!
SantaFeSandy - 1/14/2013 4:53 PM
Thank you so much for your kind words on both my profile and my photographs. Have you been to my website or liked my page on Facebook? I have zillions of photos of all kinds, and am an "image saturated" person!!! Please keep viewing them, because as a newbie diver and UW photographer, I have much, much to learn.
Smithsgold - 1/23/2013 2:18 PM
Ill have to check it out !!! Thanks
SantaFeSandy - 1/13/2013 6:05 PM
Thanks for your kind words Greg. I just added my blog website link, and will be writing a few articles on diving topics that inspire me, in the near future.

Thanks again for all your hard work and innovation. :-)
Greg - 1/12/2013 9:06 PM
That’s got to be the best profile description I’ve seen in a long time!
SantaFeSandy - 1/14/2013 5:06 PM
Thanks Greg. You’re very kind. Now, what makes it so good, or that which constitutes "the best"?
SantaFeSandy - 1/10/2013 11:16 AM
For everybody viewing my photos, if you could help to educate me as to what I’m seeing and photographing, I’d greatly appreciate it. I love the details, but lack them in this enviroment.
SantaFeSandy - 1/10/2013 6:37 AM
Should have said, "if you right click the icons, and then click ’open image in new tab’" it will take you to my Pinterest page where I have them uploaded.
SantaFeSandy - 1/10/2013 6:35 AM
Why don’t my photos show up in thumbnail on my profile info? Where does one upload their photos? I know if you click the image icons above, it will take you to the URL where they are, but somehow I’m missing something in this program’s functionality. I guess I’ll just have to explore it further. :-)
Greg - 1/10/2013 7:59 AM
The top ten photos you upload show up on your profile in the Photos tab on divebuddy.