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Adam from Bridgeport OH | Scuba Diver

As always I am looking for buddies who want to meet up and dive....I’ll dive just about anywhere...even in a mudhole!


Woohooforme - 10/03/2011 11:57 PM
Happy Birthday :)
meltonart - 7/07/2011 8:41 PM
Viz was great. about 20-30 feet.
Lskillma - 6/18/2011 9:58 AM

I’ll look into both of those!
gypsylynn2005 - 10/06/2010 1:10 PM
Hey man, sry I took forever to get back to ya on here, Oct is busy for me. Anyways, well the ones they mentioned that were the most popular are those sites but they mentioned a few others too. Add Uncle Joe’s on here and ask him what they were...I forget. His son was telling me about them tho. I still havent had a chance to get wet out here yet so Im going to try to drag the hubby out next weekend cuz we will finally have all our gear back! I m not sure what set up Im going to use tho...cept I know Ill use my MK17 reg cuz its enviromentally sealed. Ill probably just use all my scubapro gear cuz its my fav actually. Ill need to rent an exposure suit/gloves/booties prolly...mines all 3mm. You in a drysuit now? So you pretty familiar with leading at Dog Pond? You’ll be the expert diver when we go here! lol. Oh and I was talking to another diver on here that dives in Mt. Storm, WV and its warmer and popular I guess.
gypsylynn2005 - 9/21/2010 11:51 AM
Sry it took me so long to get back to ya! Yah I checked with Uncle Joe’s and with Splash and might be (hopefully!) working for one of them soon and they both told me of some sites. The Qilboa quarry seems to be pretty popular but it’s like a 4 hr drive which is intense lol. But I’ll talk to the hubby and see when he wants to set something concrete to go and Ill let ya know!
gypsylynn2005 - 9/14/2010 2:21 PM
Hey that sounds great! My hubby and I are both instructors but have never dove this area...omly done warm water so we’d love to tag along if we could! Right now we just got our regs and computers so we’d have to rent til Oct when the rest of our gear gets know of a good shop? I know the wheeling area well, I grew up in Weirton actually. You guys going this Sun?
UWnewbee - 8/09/2010 10:04 AM