William - mukashi
Wilmington NC
68 years old
Joined On: 2/25/2007
Last Login: 7/22/2012
Experience: Novice
Looking For: Dive buddy - just friends
Habits: Only drink
Company: Dive Quest Scuba
Diving is a passion of mine that has become an important part of my life. I love diving with my close friends. Photography, Wreck Diving and Ledge Diving are my favorites. Diving with the sharks has also become one of my favorites. I prefer diving when water is above 65 degrees. I feel fortunate to live on the coast of North Carolina as it offers such a vast abundance of great dive sites. Don’t believe me? Come see for yourself!!
Swimming with the fishes!!
"Up with bubbles, down with AIR"
All time out of the water is just a big Surface Interval!!