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Revision 9/10/2012 5:00 PM by scuba_samps
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Traerrdur bay - United Kingdom

Trearrdur bay is one of the most popular diving sites on Anglesey. It is glorious in good weather with spectacular views and plenty of places to relax and chill out. It is well supported by shops and there are two locations where you get air etc. The most popular diving area is Ravenspoint as seen in the photograph.

Toilets are about 1 mile away and watch out for the traffic wardens, they are very vigilant around here. many a good day diving has been spoilt by the yellow ticket on the windscreen.

The diving itself is good, with a flood tide you may get 10 -14 metres if you swim out a bit. This area is frequently dived so if you want to see some sea life you are best to head away from the central run. A nice dive is to head down this gully (right) and follow the rocks around to the left.

If you have a boat that can be launched at the slip and there are a number of broken wrecks around this area. Anglesey is usually a good place to dive, in bad weather you can always find a sheltered area.


Watch out for currents particularly at spring tides and also there is a lot of surface traffic so make sure you use Surface Marker Buoys.


Mike’s Diving Service shop is on the sea front. He can supply air to 232 Bar, Nitrox and most diving equipment. Their shop also sells all sorts of water sports equipment. They also rent out diving kit.

Go On Visit Wales, you know you want to!