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Revision 9/10/2013 6:29 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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The Blanche King - Bermuda


32.16’.278N 64.58’.552W

1920 - American Schooner

PhotoThe Blanche King, was the classic American schooner, a design in wide use at the turn of the last century. She was constructed in Maine and launched in 1887. the great sailing ship was a four-masted, two-deck vessel measuring 192 feet. Her most unusual feature was a retractable centreboard that allowed her to navigate shallow waters. She was heading to Bermuda from Virginia with a load of coal when she crashed into the reefs and sank in 1920.

Today, she lies in 35 feet of water near the North Carolina. The wreckage is marked by rigging, deck machinery and the box that housed the retractable centreboard. All the crew survived. Often described as, "........... The Constellation, without the cement bags!!!........"
Wreck Cert
The Blanche King
is one of the wreck sites featured in the
Bermuda Shipwreck Certificate Program

Divemaster Notes

PhotoThis is quite an interesting wreck that although broken up, has maintained much of it’s original dimension. The maximum depth is 35 feet and the visibility is often relatively low. (40 feet in the summer, 60 feet in the winter). The poor visibility is caused by the silty bottom composition of the fringing reef line off the west end of the islands.

The wreck lies in a quite protected area just inside the fringing reef line making an ideal lee, especially in a strong easterly wind, as such this site is a popular choice during the windier winter months of February to April. There are often a lot of Hog Fish in this area, who appear to know this area just inside the reef is inaccessible to most boat traffic. You can usually find Octopus on and around the huge chunks of coal around the area of the wreck.

PhotoThese chunks of coal have fired many a Bermuda BBQ. The coals distinctive scent giving that little extra Bermuda touch to your fish sandwich, chicken or ribs!!! This site is a winter essential for those lucky enough to have a fire place at home make a couple of dives here and knock a few $$$’s off your winter heating bill!

The easiest navigation is the keep to the wreckage at nearly 200 ft long a trip around the entire wreck can take care of a large amount of bottom time use the large and distinct housing for the retractable keel as a reference point for navigating back to your boat.