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Revision 9/05/2012 5:47 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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  • Cape Fear - 112 ft. clam dredge - March 8, 2000

  • Jean Elizabeth - steel barge 195 ft. X 50 ft. - sunk September 29, 1995

  • steel barge - 80 ft. X 25 ft. - sunk 1996

  • 8 army tanks - sunk 1997

  • 20 armored personnel carries ( APCs ) - sunk August 23, 1998

  • Captain Sam - 76ft trawler - sunk November 6, 1998

  • Niagara Falls - 90ft trawler - sunk November 6, 1998

  • steel barge #335 - 80 ft X 25 ft. - sunk November 18, 1999

  • St George - a 97 ft. trawler - sunk in March 12,1999

  • 115 cement pipes - scattered over the reef site July17-21, 2000

  • CFD - steel barge 24ft X 100ft - sunk February 8, 2001

  • Two Friends - 70 ft trawler - sunk October 09, 2001

  • Bob’s Big Boat 167 ft boat that was a restaurant - sunk April 17, 2002

  • Ana Palmira - 80 ft trawler - sunk July 12, 2002

  • Jay Jay - 90 ft tugboat - sunk November 7, 2003

  • Vickie - 76 ft trawler - sunk June 18, 2004

  • 600 tires
This reef was originally so tiny, and is so crowded that it is hardly practical to try to label things. Some of these spots are probably within sight of each other !