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Revision 1/23/2013 8:13 AM by LatitudeAdjustment
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Jellyfish Lake - Palau

7° 9′ 40″ N, 134° 22′ 34″ E

A leisurely hike to world-famous Jellyfish Lake for an extraordinary snorkeling experience.

An attraction most can only dream of, this daring and unusual phenomena, Jellyfish Lake, departs radically from convention; for it is an enclosed body of water wherein - over the course of a millennia - resident jellyfish have completely lost their sting because they have not had to fight off predators. Instead, they spend their days in privileged leisure, pulsating gently from one side of the lake to the other while catching the sun’s rays and farming their own food supply of algae.

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From SportDiver Planet’s 50 Greatest Dives, #32, Don your mask, fins and snorkel — because scuba diving’s not allowed — on the dock, and slip into the clear water of Ongeim’l Tketau, a marine lake in Palau’s Rock Islands. Then follow the sun to where its rays pierce the water to float among thousands of golden jellyfish drawn to its nourishing glow. With few predators, the jellyfish have largely lost their ability to sting. Some are as tiny as a corn kernel, while others spill over your palm. Watching them pulsate through the jade water with a backdrop that looks straight from Jurassic Park is as ethereal as it gets. Best of all, there’s no nitrogen loading, so you can do it all day long. — TW