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Revision 7/13/2008 9:15 AM
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After a short boat ride, northeast of Saint Catalina Island, you’ll find Blue Hole, so called because of its depth and the hole shape of the reef platform that surrounds it. This place works as an oozing site of coralline sand masses produced by the coral reef complex in this area; you’ll find sand slopes that descend into deep waters. Diving at this site takes place of the borders of this formation, at 45- 60ft, where a coralline platform precipitates to the slope. Coral formations are scarce but you’ll find some individual corals like Montastreas franksi, and M. cavernosa, along with the great brain and lettuce corals. One of the main attractions in the Blue Hole is the abundant fish life: margaritas, jacks and snappers search protection among the corals and feed in the surrounding sand areas. It is possible to observe here the under water geomorphology and the abundant submarine fauna.