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Revision 6/07/2008 10:24 PM
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Donner Lake, China Cove, CA. - Truckee CA

Donner Lake is located in Truckee, California. Situated off I-80, high in the Sierra Nevada Mountains, this fresh water lake is the famed location of the famous ’Donner Party’.

The altitude is around 5,900’, so adjust your tables. The temperature is quite low, and the surface is know to freeze during the winter.

Near the East end of the lake, there is an area named, "China Cove". The legend (or bad story) is that hundreds of laborers from China were used to complete the train tunnels in the rocky cliffs above. The owners of the company refused to pay, but gave them a drug induced meal instead. The bodies were then placed on large log rafts laden with TNT and set adrift into the cove. This area of the lake has a sharp drop-off to the its deepest point.

The story is said to be false, yet the cove still retains the name.

The dive site is within the USPS campground area with facilities near-by.

Other than logs and an occasional boulder, there is not much to see. The drop-off is impressive to see though.