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Peter from Littlehampton  | Scuba Diver

Just wants to go diving and meet likewise people


Jenny777 - 10/10/2021 12:25 PM
Hi there. I am in Central Virginia!
CarlaSea - 11/17/2019 9:43 AM
Hello Peter— Ever since I was a little girl I was a mermaid. Diving now makes it true.
Peter1501 - 12/01/2019 7:41 AM
Thats lovely
Venture11 - 8/06/2019 12:04 PM
Hi Peter!! Thanks for the request :-)
Peter1501 - 8/11/2019 6:57 AM
You are welcome, i hope you are well
Ampdx - 9/05/2018 6:23 PM
Hi Pete, thanks for the buddy request, nice to meet you. It’s always nice to know other like minded divers who enjoy the sport. :)
Peter1501 - 9/08/2018 9:44 AM
thank you for the response i hope you are enjoying it
ScubaCat74 - 3/29/2018 3:55 PM
Hi Peter,

Thanks for request. I’m not only new to the world of diving but posting new to me as well. Sad but true it’s taken a day for me to figure out how to navigate on this site.
nurseJane - 1/06/2018 10:48 PM
Nice to meet you and thanks for the request !!!
ScubaDoing - 11/07/2017 10:30 PM
Hi Peter, Thanks for the request. It’s nice to meet you.
Peter1501 - 11/11/2017 3:28 AM
you are most welcome
Horsegirl1975 - 5/13/2017 11:31 AM
Thanks for the add I’m a newbie still on my online classes but am excited already just got my basic scuba gear for my birthday can’t wait to try it out!
Lifesabeach - 2/17/2017 8:26 AM
Appreciate the buddy request. So glad to discover this website. Great way to explore what the world has to offer in dive experiences!
Peter1501 - 2/19/2017 8:51 AM
you are welcome, i hope you get to explore some amazing places as you start your adventure
Peter1501 - 5/02/2016 10:43 AM
Video of seals from Lundy in the UK