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GARY from Two Harbors MN | Scuba Diver

Hello, I live on the north shore of Lake Superior where I do most of my diving. Just looking for other divers

1-14-19 My account/ profile is screwed up, if u want to be a dive buddy send me a message and I’ll send u a request


ScoobahJim - 7/27/2017 9:06 AM
Excellent! I too am looking for more divers! :) Been wondering what the diving is like up there. I’d love to check it out someday soon if you are available.
Smithsgold - 7/18/2017 10:56 PM
Happy Birthday !!!!!
coldwaterdiver - 2/16/2015 9:34 AM
I made a 95% on the following quiz:
Basic Scuba Gear Quiz
DolphinLover - 7/16/2014 9:22 PM
DolphinLover - 7/16/2014 9:15 PM
Happy early birthday wishes.... Hope its happy. :)
nauidiver - 6/09/2009 10:54 AM
Gary -

Thank you for the add!

- Dale
Member Number 7063
sdvrgirl - 7/13/2008 12:32 PM
scubaclay - 7/05/2008 10:11 AM
Happy Birthday Gary, may you have many more years diving.

Greg - 5/09/2008 9:14 PM
some of us are in chat...come chat with us.