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Blue Grotto Dive Resort - Williston FL

Blue Grotto Dive Resort is a shore accessible fresh water dive site, located at 3852 NE 172nd Ct, Williston, FL 32696. This dive site has an average rating of 4.07 out of 5 from 216 scuba divers. The maximum depth is 101-110ft/31-34m. The average visibility is 41-50ft/12-15m. This dive site provides bathrooms and airfills. Training platforms are available.

All you need to dive this 100 ft. cavern is an open water certification!

This is the Blue Grotto sinkhole, not the cave.

Blue Grotto is part of the Florida aquifer system it’s fed by the springs in the area and maintains a constant 72-ish degrees year round. This paradise-like dive destination offers training platforms for students, a great cavern system and a cool fresh air dive bell filled with compressed air from the surface. Don’t forget to say hi to Virgil the resident soft shell turtle.

The dive begins at the mouth of the cavern, which is 80ft wide and 20ft high. Look from topside into the sharp blue of the pool and you will understand why Blue Grotto is well known for its exceptional visibility year round. 30ft below the surface is the only air bell available to spring divers in the region, filled with fresh compressed air that allows you a unique opportunity to stop and talk with your buddy under the water. Descending from there, at 50ft a permanent guideline brings you to the crescent shaped cavern where you will experience an array of fossils along the walls of the chamber and an abundance of aquatic life (bluegill and catfish) waiting for a free handout. But words will not do justice to the experience of diving in this breathtaking underwater hideaway.

This Dive Resort offers a fully equipped dive shop and shelters for your diving gear. Shelters can be reserved via email or phone. There is also a bathhouse with hot showers.

Bring your friends to enjoy a BBQ on your surface intervals at one of our many picnic pavilions. You can even play basketball while you wait for your gear to dry.

Make sure to ask about our rooms, so you can enjoy the Blue Grotto for as long as you like.

Excellent cavern dive with platforms located at 20 and 30 feet with an airbell at approximately 25ft.
Maximum depth is 100ft and approximated diameter is 75ft in width with an overhead beginning at 25ft.
Numerous shelters with picnic tables and large restroom facilities with changing rooms and showers.
And if you’re really lucky a (female) turtle named Virgil will come by and visit with you for a while.

Blue Grotto dive 29 OCT 2016

Official Blue Grotto Dive Resort video (Required viewing)

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chris71274 - 12 days 20 hours ago.
I went scuba diving here on 1/27/2025. Average viz: 51-60ft/16-18m. Water temp: 66-70°F/19-21°C.
Bmax - 11 days 23 hours ago.
So, how do you like Blue Grotto?
chris71274 - 11 days 22 hours ago.
It was great. I dove Devils Den also.
Mcf57 - 12/04/2024 10:54 PM
looking for a dive buddy for this Friday (12/6). Probably in the morning.PM me
olivers-handler - 9/07/2024 10:38 PM
Just went diving there this past week. It is good place to go for new divers as it has 2 platforms to work on skills. Plus vigil the turtle is there to keep you company too most days. Had the guided tour and got explore all it beauty.
SantaFeSandy - 9/08/2024 12:36 AM
It was very nice to meet you and Oliver. Lots of kisses to your big boy!!! 😘😘😘
Colt450 - 8/02/2024 3:16 AM
Yea, remember that bell from years ago. We all came up into it and somebody had left a stinky fart inside, lol. Rotten s.o.b.!
Foilzman - 3/24/2024 9:11 PM
Rating Added: 5
Has personality. Devils Den is across the road from here and Ginnie Springs is a short distance further. Alot of options close together. However, this is the better option of the three. Cute cavern with a diving bell attached. A+ facility and staff.
shelbized - 1/04/2024 2:05 AM
I went scuba diving here on 12/27/2023. Average viz: 36-40ft/11-12m.
wgr21 - 12/11/2023 5:08 PM
I went scuba diving here on 12/11/2023. Average viz: 71-80ft/22-24m. Water temp: 66-70°F/19-21°C.
A storm came through the night before this dive so the viz was not as good as normal but still really good.
WilsonR - 11/24/2023 5:21 PM
I went scuba diving here on 11/24/2023. Average viz: 51-60ft/16-18m. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
kandikain648 - 11/24/2023 2:18 PM
Rating Added: 4
This is a beautiful fun easy dive. Great for training.
ScubaDiverEric - 8/10/2023 7:58 PM
Rating Added: 5
Did this dive with American Pro Diving while in FL for DEMA. I thought it was pretty cool just for fun dive. It’s an easy dive. Would be know problem for new divers. Crystal River is not far and highly recommend the Snorkel with Manatee’s. That was great and is actually rated as one of the top best animal encounters in the world!
motoblade - 7/02/2023 12:08 AM
Rating Added: 5
Fantastic visibility and fun to get to 100’ at back oof cavern
Room8 - 2/06/2023 10:33 PM
I have been there and would return if I had a buddy to go whit! nice amenities
SantaFeSandy - 2/07/2023 7:49 AM
This is a message to all buddy-less divers. This site has a free program available to all members called Scuba Earth. It will ping all divers who are members in any region of the earth that you’d like to dive and show you their contact information. You can then target your communications directly to them. When I first started diving in 2011, Greg’s great invention hooked me up with numerous local buddies and from each dive I met more dive buddies. Check it out.
watergypsy - 1/18/2023 3:40 PM
Rating Added: 4
Fun dive; fun to go into Bell
Bmax - 12/11/2022 9:19 AM
I went scuba diving here on 12/10/2022. Average viz: 51-60ft/16-18m. Water temp: 66-70°F/19-21°C.
Made several laps around the deepest area. Saw the entrance to the cave . The rest was a cavern dive. Lots of student activity, Several fish hanging around. Did 45 minutes first dive, 40 minutes the 2nd dive. came up with over 1000psi on both dives.
WilsonR - 7/11/2022 10:16 PM
I went scuba diving here on 3/19/2022. Average viz: 31-35ft/9-11m. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
JTHOMPSON79 - 3/27/2022 7:17 PM
I went scuba diving here on 3/20/2022. Average viz: 11-15ft/3-5m. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
Norm1962 - 2/23/2022 9:25 PM
Site no longer allows divers without cave certification below 60’. New ownership afraid of liability and bowed to pressure from Cave Instructors who wanted to drum up new students which will need at least 3 classes (Intro to Tech, Cavern, and Cave Diving) in order to go below 60’.
ChrisR - 8/29/2022 6:17 PM
That is not good. I therefore scratch blue grotto off my list of dive sites.
wgr21 - 1/22/2022 9:25 PM
I went scuba diving here on 1/18/2022. Average viz: Over 150ft/46m. Water temp: 71-75°F/22-24°C.
Rampage - 1/13/2022 7:27 PM
Rating Added: 5
Completed one of my programs there. Love the place!
ScubaDive - 4/28/2021 12:13 PM
Looking for a dive buddy to the Grotto, Devil’s Den, Ranibow Springs and Paradise Springs from now till the end of June
SantaFeSandy - 4/28/2021 5:41 PM
Hi, just wanted to remind you that you may get more hits from a “buddy wanted” forum post.
RickMunoz - 5/02/2021 9:52 PM
I’m booked nearby in Gainesville May 10th-14th and would like to dive Blue Grotto and Devil’s Den and need a buddy to dive both, IG imRikkiBobbi traveling, camping and staying in hotels from Destin to the Keys
SantaFeSandy - 5/03/2021 6:18 AM
Rick, we offer camping at Blue Grotto as well.
RickMunoz - 5/03/2021 3:39 PM
I am camping already at 2 spots before I get to Gainesville so will travel from hotel to Blue Grotto and Devil’s Den :)
ScubaDive - 5/05/2021 11:11 AM
Hi Rick, I am working on weekdays. I wish I could join you. Hope you will find a dive buddy. Good luck!
SantaFeSandy - 5/05/2021 7:18 PM
Rick, be sure to cross post your buddy request under the Forum Link. You will see Buddy Wanted. You can view all who are searching now too. Another fellow will be in the areas as you. Check it out.