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Keith from 10551  | Scuba Diver

Looking to do more diving at Dutch and NY/NJ boat dives. Cheers


K - 4/27/2016 3:06 PM
Its the Arabia in Toby. Canada
Spanky70 - 5/07/2008 2:06 PM
I am doing better.. of course my assistant is calling me a snotbag.. lol

That is the only weeeknd I can dive this month. Then I am off to NC... However if everything works out with this other job.. I will have all my weekends free from now on .. CAN YOU SAY DIVE

Spanky70 - 4/19/2008 8:07 PM
Your going down at the next safety stop.. B*tch... You are not going to cheat this time.
Spanky70 - 12/22/2007 11:47 AM
Hey you what are you doing stop hanging around.. lol After the new year we will all get together for drinks and such and figure out were will be diving for the year :)
Spanky70 - 11/26/2007 1:08 PM
So when is your ( clearing throat ) 20 year renuion anyway since I am two years behind you .. I still want to go to yours.. we should tell them to have it by the water so when the boneheads bother us we can go diving..
Spanky70 - 11/20/2007 7:00 AM
I have the dates for the keys .. if you are intrested... Party all night dive all day ..
Spanky70 - 10/29/2007 11:13 AM
Love the picture , now stop holding on .. lol
Spanky70 - 10/25/2007 10:18 PM
Whats up Buddy.. I will let you know the next time I am at dutch and which boat I am going on I will be your buddy that day P.S I habe not reached 20 years yet