Posted by DivingFirefighter
Hey everyone! Been a while since I’ve been on.. been even longer since I wrote a blog! This past weekend I did part of the dives for my PADI Cavern Diver specialty. We did two dives on Saturday. I learned some things besides the Cavern stuff. One I learned that even if a diver had more experience then you and more dives doesn’t mean they are a better diver or even a good diver. The diver in question was nervous as part of his personality which didn’t help is comfort level in the water. On at least two incidents this diver had major bouyency issues the first one he missed the 80 ft stop point on a decent line and had to be retrived by the instructor. The second incident he bounced off the bottom causing a near silt out condition in the Cavern we were using. This same diver also struggled with his S drill (took him about 15 mins to do it, everyone else did it in 3 to 5 mins). The point I’m making about this is just because someone has a list of certs/specialties that you don’t or more dives, doesn’t make them a better diver then you. This weekend showed me that while I’m not a perfect diver, that I am pretty decent but still have areas to improve. For the most part this weekend I had really good bouyency and it made diving so much more fun. I am looking forward to the other two dives to finish this specialty! Its such an amazing feeling to be in the mamoth openings of these Quary tunnels! I hope to dive this site again soon!