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Ville De Dieppe is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in La Rochelle, France. The maximum depth is 131-140ft/40-43m.

From; 45° 59’N, 1° 52’W
At 9 am on Sat. April 21st, 1917, the barque Ville de Dieppe (A sailing tanker) under Capt. Antonsen, left La Pallice for New York. At 4 pm, a (UCII UC21 mine laying) submarine (disguised as a sailboat) was observed straight astern and the first 2 rounds were fired against the vessel but missed and the crew started to board the rescue boats. In the meantime, 2 French aircraft went overflying the scene and the U-Boat dived. The submarine surfaced back 10 mins later when the aircraft had disappeared and began opening fire agaisnt the vessel. After some 20 shells in the hull, Ville de Dieppe went sinking bow first and UC 21 headed westward. The wrecked crew was discovered by a French submarine and towed back to La Pallice where they arrived at 2 am on Sunday. See also :

There is a story about diving this in issue 19 of Wreckdiving Magazine

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