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Catherine is a boat accessible salt water dive site, located in Pensacola, FL. This dive site has an average rating of 4.00 out of 5 from 2 scuba divers. The maximum depth is 16-20ft/5-6m. The average visibility is 11-15ft/3-5m. This dive site provides bathrooms and airfills.

The Catherine is a shallow wreck offshore of Santa Rosa Island in the Pensacola area. The ship sank in 1894. A section of hull and debris is all that remains.

Added 06/12/2009. This wreck is accessible from shore or boat. Depending on storms and currents this wreck is sometimes covered and sometimes not and at times sticks out of the water. Since the 2004 and 2005 hurricanes it is further from the shore due to erosion.

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