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DAN DEMP Instructor
Event Date Thu, October 23, 2008
Event Location DEMA Show 2008 - Las Vegas, NV
Contact Information Danny - 404-791-0697 | More Info
DAN’s Diving Emergency Medical Provider curriculum includes training in: DAN Oxygen, DAN AED, DAN Hazardous Marine Life Injuries and DAN Advanced Oxygen. By combining these 4 groundbreaking dive safety programs into one course we are able to create a Dive Safety "toolbox". As an Instructor being able to teach the four basic DAN courses is more important now than ever before. All of your Rescue Divers are eligible for DAN’s Diving Emergency Specialist (DES) Recognition upon completion of this curriculum. If you are a DAN Instructor with just the DAN Oxygen credential you may participate in just the modules you need in order to round out your credentials to include all 4 ratings.