Sober-Up Dive at Vortex Springs!
What better way to start the New Year than with a dive in a clear, 68 degree Florida spring?
Come join diving friends new and old starting at 8am Thursday January 1, 2009 for an informal gathering!
According to the Vortex Springs webpage ( :
"We will also be closed New Years Day. For those of you that would like to dive during this holiday season you must register prior to close of business the day before in order to dive Christmas or New Years day. If you wish to fax or email the registration please call for details."
Last time I checked SCUBA diver admission was $19 and freediver (swimmer) admission was $8.
BYOB- Bring Your Own Buddy, especially if you are a cavern diver. You may or may not be able to find a buddy there.
BYOF-Bring Your Own Food, unless you want to bring something to share like snacks, finger foods, or desserts.
BAYS-Bring All Your Stuff, the dive shop will be closed so you won’t be able to rent stuff or buy back-ups of whatever.
Other notes: if you were partaking in "festivities" the night before please stay home or stay on shore and be safe, "sober-up" is a figure of speech, not a literal purpose of the dive. Vortex Springs is now a "dry", family-friendly establishment so leave your mimosas at home, thanks!