Advanced Open Water Diver Course
The Advanced Open Water Diver Course is an experience oriented course designed to give you practical experience in a number of specialty diving areas. Unlike the Open Water Course, the Advanced Course involves little written testing and very little academic preparation. You will begin by reading the requisite academic materials at home on your own time. The material will then be reviewed with your instructor prior to your water training sessions. The objective of the course is to give you as much in water time as possible in which to perfect your diving skills.
Dive Requirements;
Advanced certification requires a minimum of five dives to be done in as few as two days. If you have Instructor signed documentation of Advanced Level dives, we will credit you with the dives completed. You may not need all five dives to obtain the Advanced Certification.
Day One will be shore diving while Day Two will be conducted aboard one of our Puget Sound boat diving excursions. In the Seattle area use of all rental gear is included in the tuition for the Advanced class.