June 8th marked the 25th celebration of World Oceans Day, an international event that seeks to raise awareness for the beauty and fragility of the world’s oceans.
At the June meeting of NYUPS (Monday, June 20th), we will be celebrating this fantastic event with several presentations. First, DPG publisher Matt Weiss will present the heralded winners of the Third Annual World Oceans Day photo contest. In partnership with the United Nations, this competition has quickly become one of the most revered. In fact, the winners will have their images on display at the UN headquarters just a few avenues over. Matt will share the winning images and the stories behind the shots that make them so special.
After being inspired by some of the top conservation underwater image-makers, Joe Tepper will share a brief presentation on how to craft powerful conservation images through examples of his recent assignments and some of the top environmental photographers in the industry.
Finally, we want you to share your favorite “environmental images,” as World Oceans Day reminds us that conservation is a team effort. They don’t have to be drenched with an environmental message—but should show a threatened species, humanity’s impact on the environment, or positive conservation effort. Feel free to share what inspires you to take conservation images.
The ideal size of each landscape orientation image is 10” wide x 7.5” high, with individual file sizes being no larger than 1 MB. Please email your five images to Joe Tepper at Joe@DivePhotoGuide with the subject line “NYUPS Images—Critique.”
If you would like to submit videos, please bring them to the meeting as Quicktime files on flash drive, CD or DVD. Videos should be clips less then 5 minutes each.
Please submit images by the evening of June 19th.
We look forward to sharing some drinks, food, and amazing underwater images at Alpha Fusion on Monday, June 20th.
June 20th, 2016
7-9 PM
Alpha Fusion Restaurant
365 W 34th St, New York, NY 10001
(212) 279-8887