Well, it`s getting to be that time of year again for us land-locked divers. Lake clean-ups and treasure hunts are beginning.
8/18/07 (saturday) there is a Benefit Treasure Hunt scheduled at Norfork Lake just outside of Norfork, Arkansas that is hosted by Jordan Marina. http://www.jordanmarina.com/ (870) 499-7348
The benefit was started by a family who lost a son on the lake. They receive prize donations from local vendors; sporting goods, clothing, dive gear, etc. Divers meet at Sand Island across from the marina and go on the hunt for numbered golf balls, sealed soda cans, or other numbered device. Upon locating and picking them up, divers turn them in to have their name put with the number until the event closes, then prizes are given away for the corresponding number.
There is an ACOE campground next to the marina, so come out and play with us! Hope to see some of you there. |