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Adding Content
UWnewbee - 10/28/2009 6:52 AM
Category: Web Site Help
Replies: 3

Hi Divebuddys, on adding content, pics, blogs, etc. Please take your time and be more selective on the category that you choose as we are trying to keep this web site up to date and all information easier to find/view (example 3 people standing at a campfire cooking hotdogs. You know your divers others may not therefore list it as people). If your not sure on adding content you can use the web site help section, help section, or ask one of the Divebuddy Mods about any matter since Greg and Becky are busy and thats what We’re here for. You can also have a better chance of getting your pic rated if its in the right category. If someone does a pic search on divers and you have a great pic of you swimming with dolfins underwater and your pic is in the misc. section they wont find it! Thanks. Uwnewbee a Mod
Eve - 10/29/2009 2:43 PM

Thank you for the good advice, I think we just get excited over our pics and not so much over the category they should be in. I bet Greg and Bec are never to busy for divebuddy.

scubaclay - 10/29/2009 4:27 PM


Very good comments, also lets ask that you give your name instead of ME. It lets us know who me is.

UWnewbee - 10/29/2009 6:57 PM
From scubaclay:


Very good comments, also lets ask that you give your name instead of ME. It lets us know who me is.

Yes Clay yet another good point! I know who you are, You know who I am, but who knows Me?