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Dive buddy wanted Maui/Jan.5-15
GrantWP - 12/27/2010 12:06 PM
Category: Buddy Wanted
Replies: 0

I’ll be in Kihei, Maui with my family Jan. 5-15, 2011, and plan to do a few dives while we’re there. I’ll need a dive buddy for the dives that aren’t with a guide or group.

I’m a fairly novice PADI-certified open water diver; I’ve done six shore and boat dives in Curacao and two shore dives in La Jolla, CA.

My preference is for relaxed, self-directed sight-seeing at moderate depth (20-60 feet) where the light is good. I’d rather thoroughly explore a few hundred square feet, take time to look for cool critters, and simply enjoy the underwater world than chase a dive buddy or guide who’s bent on covering as much real estate as possible.

If you’ll be in Maui and this sounds like a good fit, email me at grantwp3
at gmail dot com. I don’t have specific plans for diving yet, but am open to suggestions.